The Stewards

Richard H. Ryder, 2017

Baseball has its farm league system to groom tomorrow’s great players; Masonry has its Steward stations for a similar purpose – preparing men for more responsibility within their lodge.  Being asked to serve as a steward is an invitation to show your interest in the governance of the lodge.

The Senior Steward has a small piece of ritual during long form openings, providing the opportunity for others to see if he can clearly, confidently, and without fear speak in public and among peers.  Both stewards have floor work – important floor work during the degrees and visits of the District Deputy Grand Master.  They also assist in protecting the lodge during the balloting process.  Proper execution of these responsibilities demonstrates they can handle their official roles during important Masonic ceremonies, and may present advancement opportunities.

Prior to monthly meetings the Stewards help prepare the lodge room, most particularly the proper placement of regalia at the respective stations.  Upon completion of the meeting, they should properly and neatly store the regalia for the next meeting.  Prior to meetings for the degrees, the Stewards play a critical role in preparing candidates, ensuring they are properly attired.  Finally, the Stewards assist the Junior Deacon by ensuring the dining tables are properly prepared; then, after each meal they take charge of the cleanup.

It is easy for the new Steward to take his role lightly, but this would be a mistake.  Being a Steward is an honor, a test, and an opportunity for advancement toward the East if the Steward holds this aspiration.

The following checklist will assist the Senior Steward in preparing for his term:

  1. Become more acquainted with lodge members
  2. Become more acquainted with Stewards within the district
  3. Increase visibility within the lodge and at lodge activities
  4. Increase visibility within the district and at district activities
  5. Regularly attend and support district Lodge of Instruction
  6. Attend all rehearsals and monthly meetings
  7. Properly prepare for and effectively execute floor work and ritual
  8. Observe the Junior Deacon and mentally prepare to step into that position
  9. Fulfill the Senior Steward roles and responsibilities as outlined in the book, Duties and Responsibilities of Lodge Officers and Committee Chairmen

The following checklist will assist the Junior Steward in preparing for his term:

  1. Become more acquainted with lodge members
  2. Become more acquainted with Stewards within the district
  3. Increase visibility within the lodge and at lodge activities
  4. Increase visibility within the district and at district activities
  5. Regularly attend and support district Lodge of Instruction
  6. Attend all rehearsals and monthly meetings
  7. Properly prepare for and effectively execute floor work
  8. Take your roles and responsibilities seriously
  9. Observe the Senior Steward and mentally prepare to step into that position
  10. Fulfill the Junior Steward’s roles and responsibilities as outlined in the book, Duties and Responsibilities of Lodge Officers and Committee Chairmen
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