Monthly Archives: December 2017
Gothic Builders
Richard H. Ryder, 2017 In this installment of the ongoing Architecture and Freemasonry series I will provide a broader understanding of why Gothic structures were built, who called for their construction, who led the work, and how workers were organized. … Continue reading
Determination and Persistence
Richard H. Ryder, 2017 When the pressure is on to deliver, and you feel you are not qualified to handle a task, to what do you turn to get the job done? When the odds are against you, when you … Continue reading
The Stewards
Richard H. Ryder, 2017 Baseball has its farm league system to groom tomorrow’s great players; Masonry has its Steward stations for a similar purpose – preparing men for more responsibility within their lodge. Being asked to serve as a steward … Continue reading
Masonic Spotlight: MW Harry S. Truman – Grand Master, U.S. President, Haberdasher
Richard H. Ryder, 2017 When the world awoke on April 12, 1945 no one knew it would be a date all adult Americans at that time would remember. This included Harry Truman, who was just a few weeks short of … Continue reading